Everyday is an opportunity to wipe the slate clean, leave the past behind, and begin anew. The start of a new year brings this opportunity to the forefront of awareness.
Beginning anew is an opportunity for forgiveness. Conflicts can take their toll without you even being aware of the cost you are paying. A lot of things seem to be important on the surface but upon reflection you are so much further ahead if you just let go.
Beginning anew is an opportunity to create. Creativity is an important ingredient of self worth. Often a lack of creativity is nothing more than a lack of mindful awareness. I plan on creating becoming part of my daily practice.
Beginning anew is an opportunity to simplify. Our daily clutter has a way of keeping us from seeing what is important. Sometimes we are so busy working for the future that we forget to live in the present. Experiences, not things define us. A mindful life free of conspicuous consumption is also a life free of guilt and endless want.
Beginning anew is an opportunity to act. Our world is created by our actions and our inactions. I live in a country where I can speak out for what I believe in without fear of persecution. For now. Rights and freedoms only exist if we exercise them and protect them.
My goal is to begin anew, everyday.
“No one else can speak the words on your lips. Drench yourself in words unspoken. Live your life with arms wide open. Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten.” - Natasha Bedingfield (b. 1981)