Sunday 5 January 2020


Kung fu is like any other endeavour involving effort and discipline - what you get out of it depends upon what you put into it.

It is easy to look at discipline and associate it with sacrifice. Diet involves avoiding foods one loves. Getting in shape requires going through the pain of exercise. A better, and more accurate, way of looking at discipline would be to associate it with an investment. Sticking to a diet improves my health and may add years to my useful life. Following through on a fitness program will improve the quality of my life. With the proper perspective no sacrifice is required, just meaningful investment.

The new year has just begun. With it, resolutions and goals. I don’t know why we need a new year number before we work on improving ourselves and our situations. Every day is a new opportunity to begin anew. No matter when you choose to apply yourself it is important to do so with the proper perspective and state of mind. Know the difference between a dream and a goal and structure your investment around a plan that is going to give you the best chance of success.

“How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them.” - Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)

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