Monday 2 September 2019

Jet Lag

I’ve been home for a couple of days now and I am almost caught up on my sleep. I lost quite a bit of sleep in Norway from the jet lag and the sleepless nights on trains and planes over the past week.

Norway is very similar to Canada but there are a few things that are different over there that I would like to see adopted here. For one, dogs are welcome everywhere. Shopping malls, public transport - pretty much everywhere. My quality of life would improve if I was allowed to take Bark Lee everywhere with me like the dogs of Norway are allowed.

The people of Norway, especially in the city of Bergen, have a strong sense of community. They are friendly and they take care of each other. They clean up after themselves and recognize the responsibility they have as individuals to improve their community. North America seems to have a ‘me first’ attitude towards everything where Norway’s attitude leans more toward ‘community first’. I like that.

 “ I always saw pollution as theft, and I always thought, ‘Why should somebody be able to pollute the air, which belongs to all of us, or destroy a river or a waterway, which is supposed to belong to the whole community?’” - Robert Kennedy, Jr. - (b.1954)

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