Sunday, 22 April 2018

UBBT Update

Well this past week is not one I am sorry to see in my rear view mirror. Between commitments to my parents and getting my cats to the vet, there was not a lot of Jeff time this week. I have been nursing an upper back injury the past month so I would think a down week like this might not necessarily be a bad thing. I have my doubts though. My back seems more tender than ever and I think I may be babying it a little too much. This week I test this theory and see how hard and far I can push it without a setback.

I was pretty pumped to have a chance to meet with my UBBT teammates on Friday. With my own I Ho Chuan team, I see the value of monthly meetings to fuel engagement. I have been in multiple UBBTs but this was the first team meeting I can recall. Furthermore, my new daytime schedule was actually going to allow me to participate in an event that, in the past, would have been impossible for me because of career commitments. Imagine my disappointment when I was unable to log into the meeting. Being the only international member of the team can have its drawbacks. Hopefully we can get the bugs ironed out by the next meeting so the system will accept international calls.

Now that the snow is pretty much gone, I will be hitting the bike and roller blades as part of my daily routine. That is once I get my school database firing on all cylinders. I am quite a bit ahead on that goal but I am at a stage where it is a full time job during the transition. I am hoping to get enough accomplished today on that front to allow me to introduce some new activities into my daily routine.

“Anticipate the difficult by managing the easy.” - Lao Tzu 

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