Sunday 11 March 2018

In the Presence of a Master

I try to spend more time every year hanging around masters. There is no doubt that success and attitude can be acquired through osmosis. Just being in the presence of a master can be a deep, spiritual experience for me.

On Thursday I had to forgo training with my I Ho Chuan team in order to take advantage of the opportunity to hang out with two people who inspire me - my dad and Connor McDavid.

I have never met Connor McDavid face to face but I did make eye contact with him during the Oilers game against the Islanders. Our seats were right behind the goalie and against the glass. It was a totally different experience to see a hockey game from that vantage point and amazing to see a player of McDavid’s caliber that intimately.

Sharing the night with the man who taught me everything I know about hockey and the man who is redefining the sport was inspiring and humbling. I may never be as good at kung fu as Connor McDavid is at hockey, but it is shared experiences like I had on Thursday night that fuels my passion.

Mastery is mastery, it does not matter what canvas it is expressed on.

“It took me a lifetime.” - Pablo Picasso (1881 - 1973)

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