Sunday, 4 November 2012


I’ve spent the past few weeks digging myself out of some big holes. It is easy for things to get out of control when a couple of things go askew at the same time. I’ve had to take a step back to organize my thoughts so I can prioritize, regroup, and get things back on track.

This added stress has been a good reminder for me that commitment and effort do not guarantee results. There are always factors beyond my control. When I think about it, It does not take much for things to go wrong and most of us are only a couple of simultaneous catastrophes away from homelessness. Somber thought indeed.

“It’s a good thing to follow the First Law of Holes: If you are in one, stop digging.” - Denis Healey (b. 1917)


Sara said...

There is a quote that goes something like this: "Life can be accepted or changed. If it is not accepted, it must be changed. If it is not changed, it must be accepted."

Darcy Regier said...

So true, a reminder for our family was last night as we helped serve dinner at the Mustard Seed. Very humbling...the thing was, I didn't feel a bit better than those which I served, just in the right place at the right time. It was weird! As you said Sifu, "one or two steps away".