Sunday 25 November 2012

Inconsequential Consequences?

As parents we all know that our children’s schedule is set by the decisions we make on they’re behalf. I think about how often a parent of one of my students has used their child’s busy schedule or varying interest as an excuse to pull out of training. This is inevitably the same parent who raved about the positive influence kung fu training had on their child’s self esteem and school work the year before. Things eventually become taken for granted. This tends to be our way when the extraordinary becomes ordinary.

Staying engaged with anything over the long term is always a challenge. There are always other interests and distractions conspiring to divide my attention. I continually prioritize my time and efforts to ensure they are serving my goals. Off course there are many times where I veer off course and lose my way. There are infinite reasons to take a break or a more scenic route and it is easy to convince myself that the consequences will be inconsequential. Yeah right, inconsequential consequences. I am constantly reminded that nothing is for free.

Experience without focus and discipline has little to do with mastery and promotes a lifestyle where mediocrity is the norm. It is easy to get used to not following through. Mediocrity is a numbness that can overtake you without you even being aware and sculpt you a life that is all about searching but never finding.

“Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” - Alexander Graham Bell (1947 - 1922)

1 comment:

Sifu Stoddart said...

Thanks for this blog Sifu. The more and more I study and recite 'Mastery', the more I learn from it. I don't think it is something that can just be read and then forgotten about. It has so many meanings, that you don't always see the first, second, or even third or forth time you read it. (I am guessing that is why you had us memorize it).