Sunday, 15 July 2012

This is a Test

As of January 23, 2012, I will no longer promote anyone to Black Belt or beyond unless they have successfully completed a full year in our I Ho Chuan program. Our I Ho Chuan program is based upon Tom Callos’ Ultimate Black Belt Test and my expectation is that anyone wishing promotion must make an unmitigated commitment to mastery.

The I Ho Chuan program is limited to twenty participants each year. This year due to a few long distance students, I have allowed twenty-four to participate. As I identified last week, some of my student team members are struggling. I made some changes to my student UBBT program this year by designating bi-weekly I Ho Chuan classes and a monthly team meeting. These extra opportunities allow the team coaches to connect and follow up with individual team members. Motivation over the long term can be a struggle so that makes these opportunities that much more important.

Opportunities only bear fruit if they are taken advantage of. It is pretty hard to have a big affect on someone’s motivation if they are not taking the minimum steps to help themselves. At a minimum, everyone on the team should have zero unexcused absences from their I Ho Chuan classes and meetings. Lastly, everyone must journal a MINIMUM of once a week. If you’re not journalling, you probably are not fully aware of where you are. If you don’t know where you are, how the heck can you count on your coaches to be aware?

I constantly remind my students to follow their team’s journals as everyone’s journey is pertinent to everyone else. Sometimes the solution to a problem lies in the experience of another. This posting is a test for my I Ho Chuan members. I am asking each of my students who read this posting to indicate so by posting a comment on this entry on my Blogger account.

“Success begins to happen when you help yourself.” - Arthur Tugman (b. 1938)


Unknown said...

First! :) I hope you don't mind that I'm commenting when I'm not your student right now--but when you asked for comments and there were not any, I just couldn't resist.

I really do enjoy your blog too. Your post on broccoli motivated me to eat broccoli and broaden the vegetables in my diet a bit.

Anonymous said...

Message read and understood

Tiffany Playter said...

I'm not in the I Ho Chuan this year, but message received.

J.C. said...

For me ,sometimes mastery in something takes more than a full year, a year towards a large goal is a minimum.The year of dedication at the very least opens your eyes to where you are, how to get there and the tools to do it.

Unknown said...

Message read and for me being in the I Ho Chuan is a commitment to myself as well as my Kung Fu. Far greater than the commitment are the benefits received.

Sifu Hayes said...

Loud and clear.
Sifu Hayes

Alana Regier said...

Being a member of the I Ho Chuan team, the greatest benefit I have experienced is that of engagement. Keeping a journal and blogging has made me very aware of just how much Kung Fu is a part of my life. It shows me the parts of my training that are going well, as well as where I need to pull up sock!

Sifu Robyn Kichko said...

message received :)

Unknown said...

I am also not part of the I Ho Chuan Team this year, but I wish I was, the changes you have made to it from last year to this year are incredible. The extra oppertunities that you have made available for each member to stay ingagded is something that was missing from the previous year. I enjoy watching each class and plan to be part of it next year. Plus sitting on the bench is driving me crazy.
Message received and understood.

Sifu Wiebe

Darcy Regier said...

I have read this post. Any further comments will be directed to your personal email.

Yitzik said...

I'm exited and nervous at the same time. I hope my journey next year will be positive.

Yitzik Csillag.

Anonymous said...

Reading the Journals every week keeps me feeling like a part of the school especially when I can't be there as much as I'd like, it's an invisible tie that keeps me connected to my Kung fu.

B.Young said...

Read! Thank you sifu.

Vince Krebs said...

Message read and understood.

Vince Krebs.

Sifu Katelyn Wonsiak said...

Message received and understood!
Thankyou Sifu! =)

Neil Hamilton said...

I find your blogs to be very informative and inspirational, even the politiical ones make me pause and think. Being a member of this team had benefitted me in so many ways and I can't thank you enough for the opportunity. This year I am finally appreciating and growing so much more then last year.

Mr. Hamilton

wchoy74 said...

Read and working on it.

T Bryant said...

Message received and understood.
Sifu Bryant