Sunday, 20 March 2011


inaction.jpgI've been watching the world tiptoe around the quagmire that is Gadhafi's Libya while Japan is dealing with its worst disaster since the bombing of Nagasaki. All of this while Haiti is still in a crisis and multiple nations continue to struggle with unrest and corrupt dictatorships. Life continues on in my area of theworld unabated.

I remember as a kid, Gadhafi being a major thorn in the world's side but as long as the flow of oil continued, we continued to do business with him. I'm not a big proponent of war or military intervention, but should we not have stopped financially supporting his regime decades ago?

Haiti has been a mess forever yet it took that disastrous earthquake to get the world to do what it should have done a long time ago - step up and help out. Unfortunately for Haiti, it has been relegated to the back burner while the horror in Japan is brought to the front and centre.

It seems that as a group, we really don't like to be proactive in any social or political issue unless we are smacked across the face with it or there is some sort of angle that will benefit us.

If everyone could stop and consider the consequences of their inactions, the world would be a very different place. We all talk about how to best combat the bullying problems our youth face today and how speaking out and taking action rather than turning a blind eye is paramount in dealing with this issue. Can we not see the same holds true in political issues? Silence supports the status quo.

“I never worry about action, but only about inaction” - Winston Churchill (1888 - 1955)

1 comment:

Yitzik said...

Silence supports the status quo. This is true but the question is what is the right action. In many cases it is not balk or white, true or wrong. The west tried to intervene in Afganistan when the Russians had war with the Talibans and now the west is in war with the same people it supported. The west still support some of the most notorious regimes mostly for political gains and for money. It is not a perfect world, I ask my self, is there anything I can do to make it better.