I accomplished one of my major goals this week by launching my new website. It will take a while to iron out all the bugs but the lion’s share of the work has been completed. Next project on the horizon is the refinement of my school’s curriculum. I have been working on that project for almost two years now but I just can’t seem to get it to a finished state before I find myself taking the entire project into a new direction. Hopefully with the website off my plate I can make some progress on the final push with my curriculum.
My difficulty with most projects is my tendency to think in abstract terms. I always have a general outline in my head of what I want the project to accomplish but by the time I finish, it is in a completely different state than I had envisioned. I think this abstract approach maximizes creativity but it definitely hampers output. Since I am constantly evolving, so are my ideas - so much so that every project becomes a moving target. My goal over the coming months will be to get my curriculum into a beta test state and begin adopting it into my classes while continuing to refine it on an ongoing basis.
I had a good week, especially with my meditation. As always, I was reminded of all the positive people I am lucky to have in my life and the sheer miracle that I ever connected with them in the first place. I am blessed.
“You don't have to be a "person of influence" to be influential. In fact, the most influential people in my life are probably not even aware of the things they've taught me.” - Scott Adams (b. 1957)
Beautiful job on the website ... the circulum revisions may not be as showy but I am sure they will be as significant.
The website is a success. I like the way it integrates the KwoonTalk in it.
I strugle many times with too much preparation and not enough action. But I've learned in the past the you need to treat projects like that as goals and set measurable points along the way to check your progress. You probably know that already... I also think that you will be supprised how many people will be willing to help you in this (or any other) project but are not aware of it or what they can help with.
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