Whether or not you believe global warming is a man-induced phenomena, it is impossible to ignore the fact that the earth’s resources are depleting at an alarming rate. Sure technological strategies like carbon capture may reduce our greenhouse gas emissions (let’s not even talk about the possible catastrophic ecological ramifications of pumping that stuff underground) but this approach does not address our depleting resources. We are consuming our resources at an unsustainable rate. What I find obscene about the whole debate is that while the developed countries continue to try to protect their precious standard of living, people are starving needlessly.
Why can’t we live simply, consume less, and become aware of the things that really make us happy before it is too late?
I always thought, why do we not focus more on the root cause and less on the political/scientific thesis such as global warming, carbon capture, sustainable resources, etc. If we just simply called it pollution control I think the general populus would agree that pollution is bad, lets work on the root cause...political arguement and ego clouds the cause.
JC Masterson
As they say... it's easier for a rich man to get through the eye of a needle than enter the kingdom of heaven... Someday all of us in this life of plenty will have to meet our maker and explain.
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