Sunday, 1 February 2009

I Am Project - Blessed

I am at my all time busiest for the year. Chinese New Year festivities last for a couple of weeks and we will be hitting our peak next Saturday at our annual banquet. It has been a difficult time for me to stay focused on my UBBT commitments while I organize and prepare for our big event but somehow I have managed to stay on track. Things always seem to work out for me.

All my life I have felt blessed. From a very young age I developed the habit of ending my days with a quiet reflection of the day’s events. I would give a silent thanks for everything I experienced during the day and I found that when I implemented this practice, everything could be construed as a positive experience. Perhaps that is due to me being an optimist or perhaps I am an optimist due to this technique.

While a lot of things have not gone as planned, things that first appeared to have the potential of being setbacks have almost always turned out to be stepping stones to greater things. From injuries to demos gone horribly wrong, they have all contributed to personal growth in areas that were previously hidden from me.

Because I am blessed I am able to transform negatives into positives and evolve on a daily basis and live a life worth living.
“Blessed is he who has learned to admire but not envy, to follow but not imitate, to praise but not flatter, and to lead but not manipulate”
- William Arthur Ward (1921 - 1994)

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