Sunday, 25 February 2018


Now that I am unemployed, I have a new appreciation for organization and time management. I used to be pretty good at keeping things straight priority-wise and I tended to stay on top of most things. Yes, there were a few emerging issues that could derail my plans but that is reality - priorities do not remain static.

These past few weeks have seen me become less efficient with my time as my free time has increased. This is not due to lack of effort but rather a lack of prioritized effort. I have found that losing my structured schedule has also lost me my reference for my to dos. I no longer can rely upon my memory to keep my priorities straight. Without my old structured reference, I need to write more things down in order to not lose their priority placement.

This year continues to be one of evolution for me. Different structure, different approach, hoping for next level growth.

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” - Stephen Covey (1932 - 2012)

Monday, 19 February 2018


As I begin the Year of the Dog and look at all the goals I have set for myself this year, it is clear how important respect is when it comes to success. All my accomplishments have been built upon a foundation of respect.

Respect is never as simple as it seems, there are many paradoxical tenets of respect. People often underestimate respect and how difficult it is to earn it or even understand it.

The guidance I give my daughters when it comes to respect is basic:

  • There is a difference between showing respect and feeling respect. Learn to recognize that difference.
  • Give respect to EVERYTHING. Your iPhone, your cat, your grandparents, a stranger on the street - everything represents something of value and worth. Strive to see that value.
  • The most valued possession anyone has is time. Time is not infinite and this makes it priceless. Save your time for people or things you value - people or things you respect.
  • Lastly, never fail to show respect and do your best to earn respect. Respect is, and should be, easy to show and difficult to earn. Remember though, despite being so difficult to earn, respect is only a single bad decision away from being lost.
 “Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.” - Bruce Lee (1940 - 1973)

Sunday, 11 February 2018

Six More Sleeps

Five more days until Chinese New Year. Six more sleeps until Silent River Kung Fu’s Chinese New Year Banquet.

I love this time of year, I hate this time of year. The engagement I feel, along with the excitement that comes with the opportunity a new beginning brings, makes this time of year my favourite. I love the cold, the snow, and the challenge that comes when training in this area of the planet. I hate everything else that gets piled on at this time of year — year ends, taxes, and for the first time; facing the unknown that being unemployed brings. That old Chinese curse is so true: “May you live in interesting times.”

As much as I enjoy preparing for our upcoming banquet, I will not be sorry to have the event behind me. I need to get my focus narrowed on my own training while I figure out what my new structure is going to look like. First thing I am going to get done is a diagnosis on my left elbow. It has been a year and a half since I injured it roller blading but the inflammation seems to be getting worse as of late. All my best intentions to get my pushups on track with a new, safer approach have been put on hold. Same old story, different joint.

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair” - Charles Dickens (1812 - 1870)

Sunday, 4 February 2018

I Hate the Beginning

I had a visit with my chiropractor this week to get a tune up on my famous, or should I say infamous, tight back. It is never a pleasant experience getting that thing realigned. It fights to maintain whatever shape it currently finds itself in. On one hand that is a great attribute in that I hardly ever have spine woes. On the other hand it absolutely sucks trying to get that thing back into alignment if something is out. A visit to my chiropractor can be like going a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson.

At the end of my treatment we stuck up a conversation about my Ultimate Black Belt Test and my physical requirements. My chiropractor is pleased that I have taken the time to heal my past injuries before taking on this challenge, but he acknowledged the frustration and dread that must come from starting over. It is a lot easier to maintain a lifestyle and structured training regime than it is to disrupt it to tend to an injury and and then begin again. I hate starting. I love the feeling that comes from training hard and consistently so that the entire ordeal becomes effortless effort. The part that sucks is every moment before I get to that point.

I have enough mileage on my chassis to have logged my share of experience with starting over. Every time I do, I remind myself of how much I hate it and how this time I am going to be careful and train more intelligently so that I will never have to start over again. I am very motivated to get it right this time.

“Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” - Meister Eckhart (1260 - 1327)