Vision Value - Leaders are here to serve, not to be served.
The single most important attribute that I value in a black belt is quality of leadership. In any mentoring situation the student places a lot of trust in their instructor. To my knowledge, in all the time I have been teaching kung fu, only one single person has ever verified the validity of my credentials before signing up with me. Most people will immediately put you on a pedestal and give you their respect without any empirical evidence of the quality of your character beyond the colour of your belt. One only has to look at how the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu world has been shamed by the Lloyd Irvin scandal to recognize how easy it is for someone to lose their way when they start buying into their own hype. A true leader recognizes that respect must be earned, not given. It can take years to earn someone's respect but it only takes a single unmindful word or action to wipe it all out.
Vision Value - Community activism makes the world a better place.
I believe the true value of someone can be found in their level of engagement within their community. We all benefit from belonging to a community and it is important that none of those benefits be taken for granted. In accepting their roles as leaders, I expect that acceptance to be reflected in my students' level of community engagement. No act of activism is too small or insignificant. In a world filled with mediocrity, there are no bystanders. Either you are part of the problem or part of the solution.
Vision Value - The world needs more and better role models.
Physical discipline is the cornerstone to success in kung fu. It is impossible to get students to apply themselves if the standard of excellence is not personified in the instructors. Instructors need to be the living, breathing, advertisement for the value of kung fu.
Kung fu goes beyond the physical. We live in a country besieged by self serving and morally corrupt politicians who inspire everyone to look out for number one. They encourage us to place more value in how much is in our wallet than the cost future generations are going to have to pay to allow the present privileged to live so large. Leaders must be role models for conscientious consumption and set examples through their actions, not just their words.
Vision Value - Humility and empathy serve everyone.
It may be cliche´ but it is true — with power, comes responsibility. I always temper my students' knowledge with humility because empathy gives you the power to influence others. I am reminded of the Roman tradition of making it a servant's job to continue saying “Memento mori” to a general during his victory parade. Memento mori is Latin for “Remember you will die.”
“If you don't stick to your values when they're being tested, they're not values: they're hobbies.” - Jon Stewart (b. 1962)