Sunday, 27 March 2011

Opportunity is Knocking

We’re facing what I believe to be our fourth federal election in seven years in a few weeks. I think most Canadians have become so numb to all the political strategizing that has been going on that their general apathy concerning the voting process is at an all time high.

For the first time in Commonwealth history, we have a government that has fallen because it was found to be in contempt of parliament. What is going to be the real tragedy of this whole situation is that the present government is going to rely upon the public’s frustration and general apathy to possibly get themselves reelected as a majority government this time around - despite the fact that they have been embroiled in one corruption scandal after another. The present situation of the government is nothing new. It doesn’t seem to matter which political party is in power, their approach tends to be the same - take care of your own and support the party first, the country second.

This election is an opportunity. An opportunity to educate ourselves about the parliamentary system and about the issues that are truly affecting our country and our lives. If we make the most of this opportunity we can protect ourselves from self serving political manipulation and base our vote on facts, not manufactured fear.

“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” - John Quincy Adams (1767 - 1848)

Sunday, 20 March 2011


inaction.jpgI've been watching the world tiptoe around the quagmire that is Gadhafi's Libya while Japan is dealing with its worst disaster since the bombing of Nagasaki. All of this while Haiti is still in a crisis and multiple nations continue to struggle with unrest and corrupt dictatorships. Life continues on in my area of theworld unabated.

I remember as a kid, Gadhafi being a major thorn in the world's side but as long as the flow of oil continued, we continued to do business with him. I'm not a big proponent of war or military intervention, but should we not have stopped financially supporting his regime decades ago?

Haiti has been a mess forever yet it took that disastrous earthquake to get the world to do what it should have done a long time ago - step up and help out. Unfortunately for Haiti, it has been relegated to the back burner while the horror in Japan is brought to the front and centre.

It seems that as a group, we really don't like to be proactive in any social or political issue unless we are smacked across the face with it or there is some sort of angle that will benefit us.

If everyone could stop and consider the consequences of their inactions, the world would be a very different place. We all talk about how to best combat the bullying problems our youth face today and how speaking out and taking action rather than turning a blind eye is paramount in dealing with this issue. Can we not see the same holds true in political issues? Silence supports the status quo.

“I never worry about action, but only about inaction” - Winston Churchill (1888 - 1955)

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

This is a test.

test.jpgI am testing a new blogging tool that may allow me to update multiple blogs with a single entry. This is my first test, wish me luck.

"The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.” - Tom Bodett (b. 1955)

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Activists Wanted

Once again I am frustrated at the level of apathy displayed by so many people when it comes to holding their public representatives accountable. The past few months have been rife with fraud and scandal perpetuated by our Federal Government, yet that very Government seems so confident that they will be reelected regardless of what is going on that they are poised to call an election. That is how much they are counting on our collective indifference.

I often wonder how much the face of politics would change if people voted for what is morally right, as opposed to what will put the most money in their pockets. I’m not sure how political parties would cope with that type of paradigm shift. They would definitely have to come up with new reelection strategies.

If the masses could be inspired to become active in their community by speaking up and letting their voices be heard, change for the better would be initiated. Thousands are dying in the middle east where freedom of speech is not a right yet they are speaking up and rallying to have their voices heard. Here in the west where freedom of speech is taken for granted, we tend to be silent and let things happen.

Activism may be alive but in my opinion, it is not well.

“There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls.” - Howard Thurman (1900 -1981)

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Cha Cha Cha

I accomplished one of my major goals this week by launching my new website. It will take a while to iron out all the bugs but the lion’s share of the work has been completed. Next project on the horizon is the refinement of my school’s curriculum. I have been working on that project for almost two years now but I just can’t seem to get it to a finished state before I find myself taking the entire project into a new direction. Hopefully with the website off my plate I can make some progress on the final push with my curriculum.

My difficulty with most projects is my tendency to think in abstract terms. I always have a general outline in my head of what I want the project to accomplish but by the time I finish, it is in a completely different state than I had envisioned. I think this abstract approach maximizes creativity but it definitely hampers output. Since I am constantly evolving, so are my ideas - so much so that every project becomes a moving target. My goal over the coming months will be to get my curriculum into a beta test state and begin adopting it into my classes while continuing to refine it on an ongoing basis.

I had a good week, especially with my meditation. As always, I was reminded of all the positive people I am lucky to have in my life and the sheer miracle that I ever connected with them in the first place. I am blessed.

“You don't have to be a "person of influence" to be influential. In fact, the most influential people in my life are probably not even aware of the things they've taught me.” - Scott Adams (b. 1957)