I ride my motorcycle any chance I get. Some mornings in rush hour traffic it is like Road Warrior out there with the traffic so heavy and ev
eryone rushing to get to work. I’ve been in three motorcycle accidents in my life and my parents and friends always question why I continue to take the risk. I always tell them it is the meditative benefits of the ride that make the whole experience worthwhile.
My motorcycle is the one place where I am always in a totally relaxed meditative state. The more hectic the traffic, the more in the moment I remain. No matter how many close calls there are on the way to my destination, I always arrive feeling calm and refreshed. Thus is the power of meditation.
I have never been someone who has consistently taken the initiative to specifically set a time to relax and just meditate. I find the constant buzz around me while I juggle the responsibilities of my healthcare career, my school, my business, and my personal life tend to prevent me from consistently following up on my best laid plans. Yet meditation is a major part of my daily routine and one of the most beneficial byproducts of my training. It is in the unplanned moments where the opportunity to return to the here and now present themselves that I take the initiative to meditate. Whether it is a ride on my motorcycle or the weight of my cat purring on my chest, I make the most of those precious moments.
“Wait until you see God, then brake.” - Kevin Schwantz (b. 1964)
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