Some people consider me a risk taker. I know I jump into a lot of situations because my heart tells me to do so and I sort out the details as I go. As long as I have my long term objective in front of me, things always seem to work out for me. Even when things don’t work out the way I had envisioned, time always proves that it was still for the best. Who am I to argue with those types of results?
I am at a crossroads in my life. I guess I have been here for a long time but I have been fighting against the winds of change for so long that I have forgotten about the peace that comes with quiet acceptance. If one avoids something long enough, the stress of avoiding eventually far outweighs the stress of dealing with the situation.
Simplify, simplify, simplify. It has been my creed for along time and it seems that every November brings a fresh perspective to me that allows me to see things much more clearly. No matter how much effort I put into a situation that involves others who have their own agenda, a positive outcome is not in my complete control. It’s time to purge myself of a couple of sloppy situations that are taxing me and sucking my soul dry. Life is too short to fight against the inevitable.
Ahhhh, the sweet release of acceptance......
“Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable.” - Denis Waitley (b. 1933)
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