In my style of kung fu, one is given the title of Master when they achieve the rank of fifth degree. I remember that the first impetuous thought that crossed my mind when my instructor surprised me with the promotion was one of morose acceptance. Fifth degree is the highest rank one achieves physically, all future ranks awarded are only honourary. I felt at the time, and I continue to feel today, that I still have the potential of growth and improvement in my future. Had I just not worked hard enough and thus convinced Sigung Macdonald that I had already reached my pinnacle? Or was it just his way of getting back at me for all those years I insisted, despite all his wincing, that my students address him as Master? Either way I have never felt I deserved the title. I know I can train for another forty years and will probably feel the same way - I still have so much more to learn.
When I am humble I am open to new ideas and thus my potential is infinite. Some of my most valuable lessons have arrived at the hands of my students, not my teachers.
When I am humble I stay appreciative and cognizant that the affluent, peaceful life I have is primarily due to my birthright, not my mettle. So many of the countless opportunities I have exploited, and yes ignored, would not have even been a possibility had my birth not been so geographically blessed.
When I am humble I recognize my place in this world. Nature is to be nurtured, not exploited and the quality of my life is determined by how seamlessly I integrate my existence within this sacred balance.
When I am humble I am reminded to not lead with my intent but with my actions. Everyday is an opportunity to evolve such that the man laying down in bed tonight is a different man that woke up this morning - only if he takes action.
If I am humble I can live a life that is free of distortions and at the end of the day perhaps the legacy I leave behind for my children will be something of which I can be proud.
“All streams flow to the sea because it is lower than they are. Humility gives it its power.” - Lau Tzu
Excellent contribution to the I AM project.
Reno 77 is tom callos.
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