I have always wondered who decides who is classified as a terrorist and who is classified as a freedom fighter. Logically and obviously, the definition is in the eye of the beholder. Technically a terrorist is defined as anyone who engages in terrorism. Terrorism is defined as the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. From my perspective, pretty much every country on the planet can be accused of engaging in terrorism. Again it all depends on one’s perspective and personal ideology. This uniqueness in ideology is what all the fuss is about. Anatomically and physiologically we are the same but ideologically we are different. Ideology is learned, not genetically predisposed so I have to believe a solution is possible.
I know my personal ideology has evolved over the years through dialogue and education. I can’t think of any of my ideological shifts being induced through force or intimidation. Therefore it is not a huge logical leap for me to assume that there was not a shift in American ideology after the attacks of September 11th nor will there be any shift in Afghan or Iraqi ideology generated by the current wars in those countries. I am left to wonder what we are expecting to accomplish with these wars when the same tactics that are being used do not work on ourselves.
Yup, probably said too much here already. So much more to say but the topic is way too volatile. I encourage anyone who wishes to find a solution to visit http://www.torturingdemocracy.org/ or watch the documentary Torturing Democracy. It is impossible to not question the real motives behind the Iraq and Afghanistan wars when one considers the only outcome possible when tactics such as these are being employed.
What do we stand for and what are we willing to die for? I always thought we stood on the side of good, no matter what. When one stoops to using the very tactics we have condemned our enemies for using, our enemies have won.
“The healthy man does not torture others - generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers”
- Carl Gustav Jung (1875 - 1961)
Just a thought. The history books are written by those who win the wars, they decide what is good an evil in the world. For the common man good and evil seem to be no more then the side of the line you happen to be standing on. It is a hard thing to look at your friend on the same side of that line and call him your enemy.
But sometimes thats the way it is.
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