The three issues that drive me, that fuel my passion for change, are peace education, environmental self defense, and mental health awareness. Thich Nhat Hanh advises us that if we want peace, we must become peace. I am a long way from this ideal. Here I am outraged that yet another Canadian has been killed in Afghanistan and yet I continue to live my life while carrying several wrongs that need forgiving and many relationships that require healing. If I truly want peace for this world, I need to first make peace with myself and commit to righting these wrongs and resolving these relationships. While not all relationship issues can be healed, they can be resolved so they are no longer an anvil of stress weighing me down.
Sometimes doing the right thing for the earth is only a matter of being aware of our actions. Connecting with nature promotes this awareness but how many times have I made bonehead mistakes that have contributed to the massive damage being caused by mankind? By living in the present moment I will ensure my actions are mindful and that I set an example by living simple. Breathe in, breathe out.
How can I continue to campaign for mental health awareness if I am not taking care of my own needs? I have always been able to accommodate more stress than the average person but as time marches on, my constitution will begin to weaken. If I want society to become more aware of this issue, I need to stay aware myself and take care of my personal needs. It’s not selfish, it is necessary.
I have more excuses than the average person when it comes to mediocrity in my training. Five knee surgeries, three motorcycle crashes, a spectacular car accident, dozens of separated shoulders coupled with chronic tendonitis, personal problems, family problems, my dog ate my homework, she got special treatment, someone planted that in my locker, my alarm didn’t go off, I thought it was due tomorrow, it was the dog not me, everyone was doing it, he stepped into it, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....
Yup, not much is going to change if I don’t stop the cycle and become the change I want to see. My personal training commitment is a reflection of my character and an expression of my dedication to my ideals. The example I set will make a difference in the lives of others.
Time to step it up a notch or two. Okay maybe fifty. Fifty one is right out because I still have knee swelling.
“If you don't want to do something, one excuse is as good as another.”
-Yiddish Proverb
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