Yes, kung fu is more than just kicking and punching. Everyone begins their journey for different reasons. Self-defence, confidence, discipline, fitness - these are obvious benefits that many expect from kung fu training. Everyone wants the benefits but very few fully comprehend what goes into producing the results that turn someone into a Black Belt. And to be clear, I am talking about a real Black Belt when I use that term, not just someone who can kick butt and take names. I’m talking about a Black Belt who is committed to personal excellence but whose training is not just a narcissistic exercise catering to ego. A Black Belt who recognizes the value of community service, who understands the importance of empathy and compassion. A Black Belt who is a well rounded, cognizant human being.
It was a little disheartening when, at our annual banquet, so many people were not able to fully hear the presentations given by the charities that Silent River Kung Fu students raised funds for at last year’s Panadamonium. It is no wonder that to so many raising money for charity is only that - raising money. Every charity that we support has been carefully vetted and chosen for the value they bring to our intelligent curriculum. If people do not take the time to learn about the charities we support, the real value in the exercise of raising money is lost along with its connection to kung fu, the Black Belt, and real self defence.
“Empathy is a tool for building people into groups, for allowing us to function as more than self-obsessed individuals.” - Neil Gaiman (b. 1960)