I have several plans and goals in the works at any given point of time but I have no deadlines. I never stop striving to achieve my goals but because I keep adding new goals, my attention and focus are constantly in flux. My progress on any specific path tends to be slow. I find myself trapped in the perpetual cycle of addressing one crisis or another and having to concentrate on whatever the immediate priorities these crises define. Most often these immediate priorities are only that - immediate. They have no long term benefit or consequence, they only require my immediate attention because they are time sensitive. Most time sensitive priorities only evolve into such due to procrastination. I found myself continually dealing with minor crises that had become my number one priority due to neglect rather than making any progress on truly important, less time sensitive initiatives. This journal was to help keep me focused on my important pillar shaking goals and values. By publicly disclosing them, I am now accountable for results or the lack of results. Public scrutiny can be a great focus motivator.
Now a month into this project I have come to realize that the benefits I am realizing go way beyond what I had expected. Yes I am more focused on the important issues because of their public declaration but I am also considerably more efficient. By documenting my thoughts I have been forced to organize them into a linear stream as opposed to the standard abstract chaotic pie in the sky mishmash that is usually bouncing around my skull like a pinball. I have been able to apply this newfound focus to my students and give them tangible tools to help them get maximum benefit from their training. Our new motto “Out of the Kwoon and into the world” is only words without substance unless we actually give people the means to put this philosophy into action.
That is the crux of it all - translating words into tangible actions that produce empirical results. There is a world of difference between doing what you want to do and doing what you need to do. Beyond accountability, this blog is initiating the development of the strategies and tools I require to help organize my words into action and ensure I continually challenge myself to notice the difference between the want to do’s and the need to do’s in my life.
"If you do what you need to do when you need to do it, then someday you can do what you want to do when you want to do it."
- Jimmy John's Sandwich Shop
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