Once again my time in Alabama was an enlightening and nourishing experience. My trip last year, being my first, was extremely difficult for me as I am a very shy person who is definitely more at home on the mat teaching than I am networking and making new friends. With last year’s experience under my belt I had hoped that this year would be a lot easier. Despite my teammates from Team 6 being fantastic and unbelievably supportive, my social awkwardness was worse than ever and it definitely spilled over.
The potential I see in the UBBT is massive. When I think about the thirty minutes it took for me to raise $1000 for HERO just by getting my twenty student members to contribute $50 each, what are the possibilities if Coach Tom can get each school owner to do the exact same thing? While $50 is not going to hurt any individual’s financial situation and $1000 may not dent any organization’s lot, $50,000 can definitely promote change. That’s just financially, what about the social change that can be initiated if Coach Tom reaches 50 school owners who reach 200 students each? That’s ten thousand people who can be rallied instantly for any cause worth tackling. That is truly inspiring potential.
The only thing needed for us as a team to realize this massive potential is our commitment to the ideal. If we all stay engaged in the UBBT project and truly buy into the concept and participate fully, we’re definitely gong to make history.
“Well done is better than well said.” - Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790)