Sunday, 1 March 2009

I Am Project - Listening

The lack of responsible reporting by the media is a major issue that we are going to have to address if as a society we continue to allow them to do our thinking for us. Anyone who still thinks that the media presents unbiased facts either isn’t really listening to what is going on around them or did not notice what CTV did to Stephane Dion a week before the federal election. If you have access to American television just tune in to Fox News if you want to witness pure, destructive partisan journalism at work and if you don’t have access then check out -

When we don’t really listen to what is going on in the world around us it can be easy to get manipulated. How many western Canadians are blindly supporting the Conservative Party just because they used to support the Progressive Conservative Party? Are we listening to the differences in the platforms or are we just going with the party that shares a common term in their name? Now that we have the strongest and most stable banking system in the world because of our banking regulations, I am sure everyone has forgotten that Stephen Harper has been fighting for deregulation up to now. It is important that we listen if we want to make informed choices in who is going to speak for our country.

When I am listening, I make my own informed choices by recognizing agendas and self serving rhetoric. Listening is important but it is imperative that we consider all sides of an issue. Very few points of view are not affected by prejudice, paradigms, and ego.
“To listen well, is as powerful a means of influence as to talk well, and is as essential to all true conversation.” - Chinese Proverb

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