Our front line healthcare workers have been overworked for almost two years now and despite this the provincial government is attacking them through funding cutbacks, wage rollbacks, and broken agreements. While all of this is going on the government continues to spend billions on a fading oil industry while destroying any economic diversification initiated by previous governments.
Our premier had declared that the pandemic was over. He opened the province up completely and partied at the Calgary Stampede and any other event he could get to. Presently, Alberta Health Services has had to implement emergency provisions to redeploy staff, mandate overtime, and cancel vacations as the fourth wave of infections continue to rise on a daily basis.
So where is our premier while all of this is going down? He is currently on vacation and cannot be reached.
“I know many people are looking forward to a time without restrictions, without masks, and without the stresses of the pandemic weighing on all of us, I am one of those people. But I am concerned about the pace of this reopening plan, given that we had the highest rate of infection of anywhere in Canada or the U.S. earlier this very month. I have questions about how the premier decided on this pace, and whether it was informed by science, or simply by working backwards from the first day of the Calgary Stampede.” - Rachel Notley (b. 1964)