Monday, 13 April 2020

Mediocrity Looks For Opportunity

The pandemic has been in full force for a few weeks now. Most of us have settled into a routine of self-isolation and, in some cases, self-pity.  Not everyone can cope the same with the uncertainty that surrounds us. Some are pursuing the situation as an opportunity for self-growth while others are just doing their best to weather the storm.  Everyone is doing their best with what they have.

It is times like this that I remind myself that whether or not I can find opportunity in this situation, I know mediocrity is always looking for a foothold and is vigilantly watching for an opportunity.  It is up to me to create opportunity for myself and limit the opportunities I am creating that will allow mediocrity to creep into my life.

It is never easy to pursue mastery. Thousands of excuses are available to avoid workouts, eat poorly, procrastinate, complain, point a finger, or break promises.  Every excuse I choose to use is an opportunity mediocrity will exploit to gain a foothold. Forward momentum is more difficult during times of crisis but slipping backwards is not. If mastery is not an option during rough times, rejecting mediocrity always is.

“The key to growth is the the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.” - Lao Tzu 

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