Sunday, 19 August 2012

Monkey Thoughts

It seems a common theme that kept popping up this week during my student meetings was accepting responsibility. It is unfortunate that so many people equate taking responsibility with only accepting blame. Taking responsibility for a situation empowers you to change the situation. Taking responsibility is the difference between being a victim and being in control.

Self talk, that inner conversation we all have with ourselves, is one thing we all have complete control of. The words we choose to use during those conversations go a long way in colouring our perceptions. "He hit me" and "I got hit" both may accurately convey what just happened in a sparring match, but saying it from the first person perspective definitely gives you more of a sense of responsibility and control. It promotes analysis of what could have been done to prevent the outcome where the other statement gives all the control to the person who hit you.

I try to stress the importance of choosing words carefully, most importantly those words used in silent inner diaglogue. Words affect perception, perception affects thoughts. Control the words and you control the thoughts.

""Careful with fire" is good advice, we know:

"Careful with words" is ten times doubly so.

Thoughts unexpressed may sometimes fall back dead;

But God himself can't kill them when they're said." - Will Carleton (1845-1912)


1 comment:

Sifu Robyn Kichko said...

I agree, enough can't be said for positive self talk. It can often be the difference between accomplishing a goal and quitting before you give it any real effort. The messages that you give yourself are the messages that you convey to the world!