Change has come to Egypt. What this change ultimately manifests into is going to depend on the values of those supporting it. Where will the west place its priorities for the outside aid it will provide? Will the priority be democracy or will it be capitalism? While the two are compatible, they don’t always go hand in hand.
It is hard not to be inspired by the change being generated through peaceful activism. Each of us has the power to initiate change but very few of us accept that responsibility. Those of us who enjoy the power of influence must mindfully ensure that our values are reflected in our leadership and that these values not only address our current situation, but cater to the legacy we wish to leave behind. In this light, as a martial artist, there is no doubt that peace is more important than punches.
Everyday presents new opportunities. Through our actions and words, our indifference and apathy, our commitment to mastery, or our acceptance of mediocrity - we either seize opportunities and accept responsibility for creating the world in which we wish to live, or we shuffle on, oblivious to wasted and eventually lost potential. Our choices, no matter how seemingly insignificant, are ripples that are creating waves.
“The function of leadership is to provide more leaders, not more followers.” - Ralph Nader (b. 1934)
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