Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Leadership Fills a Void

I am not someone who is known to shy away from conflict. Conflict causes stress and avoiding dealing with it does not make the stress go away. My way of dealing with conflict is head on. I say what’s on my mind and we deal with the situation from there. I am not someone who will remain silent if something is truly important.

I have not hesitated to speak out about the incompetence of our current provincial government. Some feel that makes me politically opinionated. My speaking out has nothing to do with politics. I could care less about politics. The issue with this government is leadership, or rather lack of leadership.

Leadership unites, it is not supposed to divide. Leadership fills a void, especially during a crisis. It does not hide, it emerges. Leadership is about taking responsibility, not pointing a finger and assigning blame. Above all, leadership means setting an example. Lead by example, pretty basic stuff.

“Leadership is action, not position.” - Donald H. McGannon (1920 - 1984)

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