Sunday, 30 August 2020


In today’s world, anyone with a keyboard has a platform to fulminate about whatever is on their mind to thousands of people online. Credibility does not factor into their access or their influence. Everyone has unprecedented power without having to accept the encumbrance of responsibility. 

I am blessed to have many mentors in my life. Each has helped me become the person I am today. The best thing I have learned from all of them is that mentors can be found everywhere if you’re always open to new ideas and opportunities. Some of the best lessons I have learned have come from unexpected sources.

The Buddha has said “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” However if you are not humble, ready or not, you may not notice the teacher standing right in front of you.

“All streams flow to the sea because it is lower than they are. Humility gives it is power.” - Lao Tzu

Monday, 24 August 2020

Mastery Again

Mastery is an all or nothing thing. Either you are on the path or you are off the path. There is no final destination, only the path. There are no deadlines, nor is procrastination possible, on the mastery path.

If you are waiting for a date before applying yourself; if you are putting off work until the planets better align, you are in the clutches of mediocrity. Sometimes the difference between mediocrity and mastery can be just a matter of recognizing where you are and what you are doing.

“Do every act of your life as though it were the very last act of your life.” - Marcus Aurelius (121 AD - 180 AD)

Sunday, 16 August 2020

Stony Plain Library

When everything shut down for COVID-19, no one was more adversely affected than the most vulnerable members of our population. The homeless and under privileged lost many resources as businesses and agencies moved their services online. It is pretty hard to access services online when you do not have access to the internet. It is impossible to access the internet if you have no fixed address or even a device for an access point.

These problems have existed forever for the marginalized members of our society, the pandemic only brought them into the light. It is very difficult to change your situation in life unless something or someone intervenes to break the cycle people find themselves trapped in.

The Stony Plain Library is a hub for support and services. If you need access to the internet, the library has it. If you need access to services, the library will point you in the right direction. The services that the library provides are essential for the well-being of our community yet the library was not deemed an essential service when the province shut down for a couple of months. This created a void that left many people without access to the basic essentials and support that most of us take for granted.

The Stony Plain Library is fundraising to help finance its much needed expansion. Every dollar that goes into operating the library generates $20 of value in services for our community. Support your library. It is an investment that you are guaranteed of a a generous return.

“A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life.” - Henry Ward Beecher (1813 - 1887)

Saturday, 8 August 2020

My Mastery Vehicle

Kung fu is a journey that will confound the best intentions and plans. Time is the only commodity that matters and there is never enough of it to spend on the things that are important.

Mastery is more than just basic proficiency. A long time ago I had to make a decision concerning priorities and what I wanted to do with my life. Piano, guitar, hockey, golf, chess, skiing, and kung fu. There was no way I was going to master anything to an acceptable level unless I made mastery the priority. I had to narrow my focus. That focus became kung fu and kung fu became my main vehicle for mastery. In retrospect I can see that decision put me on my present path and that path has brought everything I value into my life. I owe everything to kung fu. 

Today mastery is entwined into my life because of the art of kung fu. This art humbles me with its simple but rich tapestry. It fills me with purpose and inspiration. It has defined me.

“If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now.” ― Master Oogway

Sunday, 2 August 2020

Culture Shift

Our species has been living beyond its means ever since wealth became the priority. We’re willing to sacrifice tomorrow to make a buck today. We’re okay with destroying anything that gets in the way of economic growth.

COVID-19 has proven that we can implement massive changes in very little time when circumstances force the change upon us. Changes that were impossible for many to conceive being possible in their lifetime became normalized after only 90 days.

Don’t let inertia rule your life. Change is not the problem - motivation is.

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing - that’s why we recommend it daily.” - Zig Ziglar (1926 - 2012)