Sunday, 21 August 2016

Connecting the Dots

It is not always easy to recognize cause and effect in life. How many things do we mindlessly purchase without considering the consequences? Wal Mart increased how much organic produce they carried based upon customer purchasing trends. We vastly underestimate how powerful our wallets are.

On a more personal note, it is easy to make what appears to be minor decisions without noticing or respecting the major impact those decisions can have on our lives. More often than not, the excuses we use to justify venturing off our goal’s path, are the very things that are standing between us and our success. It is infinitely easier to recognize the consequences of action than it is to recognize the consequences of inaction. Battles are lost over decisions not made.

Tick tock, tick tock. Time waits for no man.

“Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.” - Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)

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