Sunday, 28 December 2014

Get Out Of The Way

A lot of mediocrity has been expunged from my life this past year and I am reminded of how often I still get in my own way. Sometimes I give too much power to other people and wait for them to force a change that I should have made by own volition. My past year has been the most tumultuous of my recent life. That turmoil has forced a couple of long term sloppy situations to overcome their inertia and begin their transformation. Scary and exciting all at the same time.

I appreciate being responsible for my own circumstance and having the power to accept it or change it.  Making the correct decisions, tough or not, is always easier when I am surrounded by the most supportive and positive people around.

“Show me your friends and I'll show you your future.” - Maurice Clarett (b. 1983)

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