“I want my child to feel confident so they are not an easy target for bullies. I want my child to be a leader, not a follower. I want my child to use their confidence and skill in a positive manner, I don’t want them to be a fighter.” — These are some of the most common statements made by parents of prospective students during our enrollment interview process.
What we do in the kwoon with our students builds the foundation of discipline and respect that empowers our students. The training gives them the power of self esteem and self confidence to resist peer pressure and discourage bullies. As with any power, it comes with responsibility. What we do outside the kwoon helps determine how our students’ empowerment is channelled. Participation in our community projects teach children empathy for others. Seeing the world through another’s eyes ensures power is handled responsibly and compassionately.
“Will we have to do any fundraising?” — This is one of the most common questions posed by parents during our enrollment interview process.
We don’t require our students to do any fundraising BUT I do not have a better tool at my disposal to teach a child empathy than have them look at the plight of others and recognize how they can make a difference. Asking me to give a student knowledge with humility AND confine the lessons to the training hall, makes that task almost impossible.
Once a year Silent River Kung Fu conducts a fundraising event called the Pandamonium. Our goal is to raise $100/student with all the money going to support charity. This year’s Pandamonium will see us donate money to Malawi Girls on the Move, the Children’s Ability Fund, the Homeless of Katmandu, the Second Chance Animal Rescue Society, and the Simon Poultney Foundation. By raising funds for these initiatives, we’re also raising awareness and empathy. When our students see exactly how their fundraising efforts have changed lives, they acknowledge the positive consequences of their positive actions and recognize that they really can be the change they want to see in the world.
"Only your compassion and your loving kindness are invincible, and without limit." Thich Nhat Hanh (b. 1926)