I’m a week into my third consecutive Ultimate Black Belt Test and I have been doing a lot of reflecting on what the UBBT means to me. Predictably my approach to the process has changed with each passing year as my life has become more and more entwined with my pursuit of mastery.
For someone who is constantly evolving, mastery is not a truly tangible objective but rather an endless pursuit. It is that thing that is always lurking in my periphery, not quite in focus, and just beyond my grasp.
The task is monumental and the commitment relentless, but its value is undeniable. I have come to realize that the power and significance of my pursuit of mastery is not only found in my personal achievements but in those who are following the footprints I leave behind and the ripples in my wake.
“Nothing is so contagious as example; and we never do any great good or evil which does not produce its like.” - Francois de la Rochefoucauld (1613 - 1680)
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