I first met Master McNeill on the Alabama Build Project in April 2008. Anyone who knows me understands how awkward I am in social situations and how difficult it is for me to make casual conversation. Traveling alone across the continent to spend the better part of a week with a bunch of people I had never met before, in a place I had never been before, was way, way out of my comfort zone. Within a few minutes of my arrival, Master McNeill and his wife Mary Ann went out of their way to make me feel at home and take the edge off my social ineptness. Over the course of that week I came to realize that perhaps Master McNeill had not gone out of his way, this just was his way.
A few weeks after I returned home from Alabama I received a surprise telephone call from Master McNeill. He had called for no particular reason other than to check up on how I was doing. We spent 45 minutes on that phone call (his dime) talking about martial arts pioneers, martial arts history, and the current state of my knee after my latest surgery. The conversation was fantastic and I couldn’t stop smiling for a week.
My latest issues with my legs should have taken their toll on my mental and emotional state by now yet my attitude is more positive than ever. I am on top of my game in so many aspects of my training despite my limitations and Master McNeill has been the biggest influence on my outlook. He has offered advice, treatment, and tremendous support throughout my ordeal. Thinking back to my first trip to Alabama I can remember the lineup of people waiting for Master McNeill to treat their aches and pains. Despite having put in 12 hours of heavy labour himself on the build project, he had time for every single person who needed him. This is his way.
Master Dave McNeill is the most engaged person I have ever met. When you find yourself in his presence, he doesn’t just make you feel important, he makes you singularly significant. Most importantly, by his actions, he inspires you to be a better person. I can’t think of a better role model for someone who wishes to change the world
“We are formed and molded by our thoughts. Those whose minds are shaped by selfless thoughts give joy when they speak or act. Joy follows them like a shadow that never leaves them.” - Buddha