Sunday, 5 December 2021


The pandemic has lasted longer than anyone expected and I think everyone is suffering from the relentlessness of the situation. As we approach another lunar new year without the likelihood of being able to celebrate together for the second year in a row, I am becoming more aware of how much I rely upon special events to maintain and reconnect with my friends and mentors. 

Yesterday the Canadian Ging Wu celebrated the grand opening of their new location. I had no idea how much I missed connecting with my peers and mentors right up until I arrived at the event. Seeing Sifu Bok Koh, Sifu Ben Mah, Sifu Bill Gee, Sifu Dale Lee, Sifu Michael Yong, and Sifu Brendan Lee reminded me of how important they all are in my life. At a minimum we tend to reconnect at Chinese New Year events every year but it has been two years since any such event has been possible so yesterday’s event really nurtured my soul.

Kung fu has made me who I am and I owe everything in my life to the art. Nothing though is more valuable to me than the connections I have made on this journey.

“Invisible threads are the strongest ties.” - Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 - 1900)

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