Sunday, 19 July 2020

When The Student Is Ready

If lessons were reserved for a time when you are ready, the lesson would be on hold indefinitely. Lessons often are beyond your scope. If they are not, they would hold less value. Every lesson should bring with it a tuning of your perspective - an opening of your mind. 

We are limited in our growth until something stimulates us to go beyond our arbitrary limits. Some of the lessons I am mastering today were taught to me thirty plus years ago by Grand Master Simon. I just did not have the insights to process the lesson properly until now. If he would not have taught me the lesson those decades ago, the basics I now possess that allow me to process the lesson completely would be wasted. I needed the point of reference he provided.

When a lesson is given, the only failure possible comes from assuming the lesson is beyond your scope and ignoring it. If you put every lesson into your toolbox, it will be there when your skillset is ready. It is a mistake to discard a tool because you are too impatient to store it for future use. 

 “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” - Buddha

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