Sunday, 19 April 2015


Changes in my life have allowed me the opportunity to spend more time with my parents this past year. I have been very independent of my parents for my entire adult life but this past year has reinforced for me just how much I owe them. I wouldn’t be even close to the person I am today if it were not for my parents’ influence.

My dad’s wisdom has always resonated with me. He is a man of few words but when he does speak, those few words speak volumes. My dad turned me on to Charlie Chaplin, Gordie Howe, and taking risks. He showed me that a simple life is a good life. My dad taught me to appreciate what I have and to cherish it because life is short. I wish I had spent more time talking with my dad.

“Come again when you can’t stay so long.” - Dad (b. 1931)

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