Sunday, 30 September 2012

Rick Mercer

My whole life, I have never thought of myself as an activist. I’ve always believed in doing what was right, popular or not, but I never went out of my way to publicly take a stand one way or another. As I grow older and hopefully wiser, I realize that silent disagreement can be construed as contentment and support.

Over the past six years I have watched democracy in Canada take a back seat to economic and political priorities. Something the martial arts has taught me is that mindful action can change any situation. Rick Mercer is an activist I admire. He does not hesitate to take a stand and, agree with him or not, you can’t help but respect him. McLean’s Magazine published a good article on him this month -

We need a few more committed people like Rick Mercer to remind us that democracy and capitalism are not even remotely the same things.
“If we as a nation don’t rant then the powers that be will use that complacency against us.” - Rick Mercer (b. 1969)

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